Inese Zuģicka, Svetlana Polkovņikova, Inguna Teilāne
Pages: 102-108
Published: 7 Oct 2019
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Abstract: Latvians have a typical two-member anthroponomical system: it is formed of a first name and a surname; however, together with the official two-member anthroponomical system, informal anthroponyms are used. One of the oldest informal types of anthroponyms is nicknames, which is an integral part of daily communication. Nickname includes the conceptual content, which heralds about the owner of nickname and his/her typical features. Nicknames have several functions in language, but in communication, one of the most important functions is exactly the pragmatic or influencing function Depending on what we want to say, emphasize, what content we want to disclose, what attitude and evaluation to express, we choose compliant words to name a respective person. Nickname material analyzed in the article is summarized in regions, which are located in the central part of Latgale planning region, herewith this region is given name of Central Latgale. Distribution and analysis of nicknames in each studied territory may differ. Analysis of nicknames in Central Latgale shows that quite often the link between a person and realia arises spontaneously, sometimes even in the course of speech, this association may be both socially motivated, and based within the user’s education, cultural experience, ethnical group etc. Respectively, one territory may not have such, which is very typical in other territory. Their origination depends on individual people living in that region, mutual contacts, creative spirit and language use.
Keywords: anthroponyms, nicknames, pragmatic function, conceptual content, central latgale
Cite this article: Inese Zuģicka, Svetlana Polkovņikova, Inguna Teilāne. NICKNAMES IN CENTRAL LATGALE: COGNITIVE-PRAGMATIC ASPECT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 13, 102-108 (2019).
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