Waleria Szydłowska-Hmissi
Pages: 180-184
Published: 7 Oct 2019
Views: 1,052
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Abstract: Focussed on Heidegger's philosophy there is the important relationship between Polish authors, Wodziński, Michnik, Tischner, Michalski and French deconstructionism (Derrida, Deleuze), also with Italian postmetaphysics (Vattimo, Agamben). The research method rely on the analysis and interpretation of the texts of Martin Heidegeer (Black Notebooks especially), Hannah Arendt (Denktagebuch, especially) and other writings about Heidegger's controversy. One of the purposes is to make more in value the works by Cezary Wodziński, the recently deceased Polish philosopher, especially a series of his books and articles about understanding of the Heideggerian philosophy. It is difficult to conceive of any serious studies of metaphysics and its contemporary understanding, without a reference to his work on Heidegger. His originality holds its own in comparison to the proposals of international authors such as Derrida, Deleuze or Vattimo. We are interested in his assessment of post-modernity – the erosion of values, or their lack, the attitude towards the Holocaust, the need for high culture, the question of responsibility on a personal and political plane – and the manner of wording the postmodern philosophical problems, are still insufficiently known and understood. Cezary Wodziński, the truly important Polish philosopher, deceased in 2016, and co-created the Polish philosophical environment at the turn of the 20th and 21st century, was a real spiritus movens of many projects of the community, starting with the magazine "Aletheia", which was transformed into a publishing house, through many years of editing the “Przegląd Filozoficzny” ("Philosophical Review") to organizing international debates and conferences (including at the IWM in Vienna). His lectures and seminars at the University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University gathered dozens of listeners. His translation activity brought Polish readers closer to difficult works such as Heidegger’s Nietzsche.
Keywords: public space, cezary wodziński, hannah arendt
Cite this article: Waleria Szydłowska-Hmissi. THINKING ON THE PUBLIC SPACE: CEZARY WODZIŃSKI, HANNAH ARENDT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 13, 180-184 (2019).
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