Cristina Grosu, Cristina Stroe, Teodor Sarbu, Floarea Burnichi, Adriana Muscalu, Catalina Tudora
Pages: 107-119
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 958
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Abstract: Technical textiles, respectively agro-textiles, a modern concept in the textile field are characterized by: alternative materials: lightweight, flexible, soft (multi/inter) functional, durable, a wide range of raw materials: processes, products and applications, new technologies: flexible, versatile, reliable, multifunctional, cost-effective, functional components, positive trend to increase the consumption of unconventional textile structures. The global technical textiles market is expected to grow from $ 176.83 billion in 2018 to $ 220.37 billion by 2022 with an annual compound growth rate (CAGR) of 5.89%. Among the factors that determine this growth, we can mention: new areas of application, modifying consumer requirements, the multifunctional character of the technical textile properties, new government regulations, climate change and global warming. The word “agro-textiles” is used to classify the woven, non-woven or knitted materials applied in sectors like: agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, floriculture, landscape, gardening, agro-engineering and animal husbandry and defines high-tech, high-performance textile structures designed to provide significant added value in terms of functionality. Agro-textiles, as textile elements that can be used on their own or included in an agricultural system, are multifunctional products that can provide protection against climate change, solar radiation, insect and pest control, are light, flexible, biodegradable, resistant to microorganisms, with high potential for water retention, etc. The need for new products, capable to find the balance between economic, social and environmental needs, must receive the answers based on a new way of thinking, namely putting into the same concept human needs, technological resources and constraints, establishing the cognitive link between knowledge, processes/ technologies and the requirements of the field of use. In this context, the paper will present elements of agro-textile design with a problem- solving approach, based on common human skills/ technical/ scientific knowledge, starting from understanding and observing the phenomena of the field.
Keywords: agro-textiles, crop protection, 2d membrane form designing, seam efficiency
Cite this article: Cristina Grosu, Cristina Stroe, Teodor Sarbu, Floarea Burnichi, Adriana Muscalu, Catalina Tudora. DESIGN AND CREATIVITY IN THE FIELD OF AGRO-TEXTILES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 8, 107-119 (2020).
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