Marian Catalin Cucu, Ioana Panait
Pages: 134-150
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 843
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Abstract: The paper focuses on the evolution of international trade, where the situation was analyzed at the level of the main branches, the focus being still on the agri-food field. Foreign trade is one of the most important components of international economic relations since the past and is an important part of a country's economy, and globalization has intensified the actions of international trade in goods and services. The objectives are to indicate the evolution of international trade, in terms of quantity and value, and to analyze the existing gaps in trade balance by characterizing the main branches to determine the degree of trade competitiveness on the international market, especially agriculture. The relations with the main 10 foreign trade partners were also analyzed. The purpose of the paper is to identify the level of imports and exports made by Romania and to determine the share of food products in international trade which is an important market and which creates long-term partnerships. By analyzing the statistical data, a quantitative analysis was performed which had as role the determination of the level of imports and exports performed by Romania in the last 15 years. The study methodology includes the analysis of statistical indicators whose source is ITC. Following the comparison of the value of the import and the export, the balance trade indicator was also calculated.
Keywords: agro-based products, processed food, supply chain, trade balance
Cite this article: Marian Catalin Cucu, Ioana Panait. ROMANIA'S INTERNATIONAL TRADE REGARDING AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 8, 134-150 (2020).
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