D. Šefer, R. Marković, S. Radulović, S. Bošković, S. Grdović, D. Jovanović, D. Perić, L. Makivić
Pages: 151-161
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 801
Downloads: 75
Abstract: Purified lignocellulose represents a pronutritive substance that affects the viscosity of the intestinal content, increases the absorption of nutrients and reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria in the small intestine. In this experiment the effects of lignocellulose in poultry nutrition was studied. Trial included 384 broilers of Cobb 500 provenance, both male and female, divided into four groups (control group: C and three experimental groups: E-I, E-II and E-III), 96 animals in each. Animals were fed with standard feed mixtures, starter (from 1st to 13th day), grover (from 14th to 28th day) and finisher (from 29th to 42th day), according to the manufacturer's recommendation. A control group (C) diet was without additives. The experimental groups differed in the fact that in the first two mixtures (starter and grover) a commercial preparation of purified lignocellulose (Arbocel® R, J. Rettenmaier & Söhne GmbH + CO. KG, Rosenberg, Germany) was added in the amount of 4 g/kg of feed for the E-I group, 6 g/kg of Arbocel® R as an expense of 0.3% soybean meal and 0.3% maize was added for the E-II group and 6 g/kg of Arbocel® R as an expense of 0.6% soybean meal was added for the E-III group. Analyzing the entire period of observation (from 1st to 42th day), adding the lignocellulose in experimental E-II group resulted in the best production indicators (final body weight 2611.00 g, average daily feed intake 96.09 g, average weight gain 2569.29 g and feed to gain ratio 1.67). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the use of lignocelluloses in broilers nutrition has its medical, nutritional and economical justification.
Keywords: broilers, purified lignocellulose, addition, production results
Cite this article: D. Šefer, R. Marković, S. Radulović, S. Bošković, S. Grdović, D. Jovanović, D. Perić, L. Makivić. EFFECTS OF PURIFIED LIGNOCELLULOSE ON HEALTH AND PRODUCTION RESULTS OF BROILERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 8, 151-161 (2020). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002025/
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