Abstract: This paper presents an application of 3D models and modern visualization techniques - augmented reality (AR) for aiding and training maintenance tasks for technical objects. The application of 3D models and AR at exploitation stages of complex technical objects brings many benefits that are presented in this article. AR techniques are becoming particularly helpful in providing the required knowledge to maintenance staff and users. This way of knowledge presenting is extremely intuitive, especially when compared to the presentation of knowledge in a classic form.
Keywords: augmented reality, visualization, maintenance, 3d cad model, maintenance training
Cite this article: Marcin Januszka. AN APPLICATION OF AUGMENTED REALITY TECHNOLOGY FOR PRODUCT VISUALISATION DURING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 14, 184-192 (2020). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002060/
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