Mario Thron, Holger Zipper, Thomas Bangemann
Pages: 193-202
Published: 12 Sep 2020
Views: 769
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Abstract: Implementation of interoperable devices, as they are used in IIoT and Industry 4.0 networks, is currently a time consuming and difficult work. This article describes methods and technologies for improving the efficiency of this process. The approach proposes to define data structures, groups of equipment component variables and later on component descriptions by use of formal languages. Further on, forms-based on-line editing of specifications is proposed instead of using word processing software. Code generators are then introduced to transform the formal descriptions into parts of the firmware code of the IIoT devices. The proposed approach provides support for standardization organizations and equipment manufacturers.
Keywords: iiot, industry 4.0, arrowhead framework, production equipment, automation component, code generation
Cite this article: Mario Thron, Holger Zipper, Thomas Bangemann. EFFICIENT ENGINEERING OF IIOT SYSTEMS BASED ON INTEROPERABILITY STANDARDS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 14, 193-202 (2020). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002061/
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