Teodora Lazarova
Pages: 59-66
Published: 14 Sep 2020
Views: 898
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Abstract: The current paper examines the fundamentals of the organizational culture and highlight the major variables of the successful one. The author tries to identify the key differences of the startup company and the corporation business culture. There are differences in building startup organizational culture as this process requires clear company vision, defining short-term goals and find the employees who have the cultural fit and similar mindset. The paper also emphasis of the importance of successful recruitment process and finding the most talented people to build positive, innovative, and supportive organizational culture.
Keywords: organizational culture, startups, productivity, effectiveness, organizational behavior
Cite this article: Teodora Lazarova. BUILDING COMPANY CULTURE AND ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY IN STARTUP ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 14, 59-66 (2020).
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