Stilyana V. Mikova, Lilyana K. Mihova, Miroslav G. Stefanov
Pages: 116-129
Published: 14 Sep 2020
Views: 819
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Abstract: The aim of the article is to outline the characteristics of interaction between higher education institutions and business organisations in the field of logistics and supply chain management in Bulgaria in different domains – research, education, and innovation. This article is based on empirical data provided by manufacturing and trading companies and logistics service providers. The research methodology includes variables measuring five aspects of interaction: motivations, barriers, success factors, forms of interaction and outcomes from the collaboration. The results suggest that most business organisations engage with HEIs to obtain knowledge, expertise and talents in order to increase their competitiveness rather than to gain financial and material support. The majority of business organisations use limited channels of interactions or do not interact with HEIs at all. Most of the relationships in the field of logistics and supply chain management are related to education activities and less related to research and innovation. However, with respect to education, the benefits are not fully obtained. While lack of time and lack of awareness what benefits can be obtained from collaboration are identified as main obstacles, higher education institution’s experience and commitment are substantial for the collaboration.
Keywords: higher education institutions, business organisations, forms of interaction, logistics, supply chain management
Cite this article: Stilyana V. Mikova, Lilyana K. Mihova, Miroslav G. Stefanov. INTERACTION BETWEEN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS IN THE FIELD OF LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 14, 116-129 (2020).
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