Rasa Kanapickiene, Deimante Teresiene, Daiva Budriene, Greta Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, Jekaterina Kartasova
Pages: 144-163
Published: 14 Sep 2020
Views: 939
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Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic created a lot of challenges not only for society but also for financial markets and economics. Various authors analysed different financial crisis and discussed spillover effects using two different approaches of micro and macro level. The main object of this study is to identify the relationship between COVID-19 pandemic, financial markets and economic sentiment. Authors analysed the main impact of COVID-19 pandemic using two different frameworks: micro and macro. Micro-level is focused on the sentiment of different sectors and the macro level is focused on broad economic sentiment and tendencies in financial markets. The object of the research is the European financial markets and economies. Based on the research results, it became obvious that different countries react in different ways to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also different tendencies in the construction sector compared with broad economic sentiment have been noticed. The research has shown that the mood of consumers is not as volatile as in the business segment.
Keywords: covid-19, economic sentiment, financial markets
Cite this article: Rasa Kanapickiene, Deimante Teresiene, Daiva Budriene, Greta Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, Jekaterina Kartasova. THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MARKETS AND ECONOMIC SENTIMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 14, 144-163 (2020).
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