Christakis Christofi
Pages: 124-131
Published: 16 Sep 2020
Views: 882
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Abstract: Online Intercultural Communication (OIC), related to the development of the Internet, digital environments and new media technological advancement, reflects the complexity of cultural contacts in the contemporary world. Without time or space limits or of any borders, OIC is enhanced by the creation of multilingual and multimodal contents, accessible to Internet users. However, it is of great interest to investigate how a specific situation such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but also in which way this situation allows a thorough redefinition of OIC due to the complexity of the means and values engaged. COVID-19 led to both the creation and the revelation of multiple expressions of cultural contacts in a virtual, as well as a real environment.
Keywords: online intercultural communication, internet, means, content, contexts, expressions
Cite this article: Christakis Christofi. ONLINE INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 124-131 (2020).
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