Abstract: This article aims to discuss aspects of the Individual Educational Plan (PEI) [from here onwards the acronym IEP in English will be used] and the schooling process of young and adult students with a disability. Annotated Bibliography was the method used, where international studies available at Education Resources Information Centre – ERIC (ProQuest) were highlighted. After applying the chosen criteria, 8 studies were found. The results highlight the importance of planning and involvement beyond the school team, such as the family and students during the development and implementation of the IEP.
Keywords: special education, youth and adult education, individual educational plan
Cite this article: Graciliana Garcia Leite. RESEARCH FINDINGS ABOUT THE INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PLAN (PEI) AND THE SCHOOLING PROCESS OF YOUNG AND ADULT STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 132-138 (2020). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002106/
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