Stavros Cheristanidis, Vasiliki Kounou, Savvas Kounnos, Dimitrios Kavvadas, Alice Pentedeka, Ioanna Garmpidaki, Vasiliki Triantafyllidou, Theodora Pap
Pages: 149-154
Published: 16 Sep 2020
Views: 935
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Abstract: The scope of this study is to investigate the reaction of school students to distance learning during the period of quarantine and lockdown which were imposed as safety measures against the pandemic of Covid-19. This paper tries also to analyse the emotional and psychological impact of school closure to the students because of the pandemic and whether the e-learning procedure could be the answer in similar future situations. It is attempted to be verified whether this unprecedented situation caused negative feelings to children such like fear, anxiety, anger, reduced appetite, depression and denial. This research was conducted through the method of answering questionnaires by students of the Central Macedonia region. The age of the students was ranged from 13 to 18 years old. The time period in which the study took place was from 1st to 10th of June 2020, two weeks after the re-opening of schools in Greece. The results of the present study recorded that high school students in Greece reported low prevalence of anxiety and a considerable proportion of students remained calm during the COVID-19 outbreak. A further investigation should be undertaken in order to shed some light on the reasons that students in Greece manifested this behaviour.
Keywords: covid-19 pandemic, distance learning education, mental health
Cite this article: Stavros Cheristanidis, Vasiliki Kounou, Savvas Kounnos, Dimitrios Kavvadas, Alice Pentedeka, Ioanna Garmpidaki, Vasiliki Triantafyllidou, Theodora Pap. QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY ON DISTANCE LEARNING EDUCATION DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 149-154 (2020).
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