Abstract: In this report we aim to consider the various aspects of verbal communication in art therapy practice through the special use of verbal morphology for methodological development of topics for therapeutic cases, through creative reproduction of visual-verbal images. In the process of our many years of practice we were provoked by the dualism of therapeutic choice in art therapy - achieving results through verbal interventions during the material process of shaping the work or through non-verbal communication through the language of the arts only. The described results, which so to speak pacify the two final theses in methodological terms, are the result of a one-year study through transformative art therapy work with people with various physical and mild mental disabilities at the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration in Sofia. Classical methods for collecting materials and analysis suitable for the given research case are used.
Keywords: art therapy, verbal communication, verbal morphology
Cite this article: Vjara Granitska. ART FORMATION AND VERBAL MORPHOLOGY IN ART THERAPY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 194-199 (2020). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002113/
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