Faraja Deo Gonelimali, Ákos Ribárszki, Dóra Székely, Zsófia Pesti, Mónika Máté, Beatrix Szabó-Nótin
Pages: 150-159
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 778
Downloads: 76
Abstract: Apple pomace is the primary byproduct generated from the production of apple juice. This study investigates the effect of apple pomace powder (APP) on baking quality of millit flour based biscuits After preparing the biscuits were packaged in polypropylene bags and stored at room temperature for 14 days. During storage colour, water activity, moisture content measurements, sensory evaluation, total polyphenol content and FRAP value (antioxidant capacity) determination, therefore texture profile analysis were performed. By increasing the concentration of apple pomace, the hardness, adhesion, cohesion, polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity increased, while their brightness, moisture content, water activity and overall popularity decreased. Apple pomace flour addition also increased the sweet taste intensity of cookies suggesting that in bakery products APF evolve a flavor enhancer role. Based on the sensory and compositional attributes, it was concluded that good quality cookies can be prepared through using 5% apple pomace powder with millet flour. APP proved to be a promising alternative to increase dietary fiber content of millet flour based biscuits.
Keywords: apple pomace, millet flour, texture profile analysis
Cite this article: Faraja Deo Gonelimali, Ákos Ribárszki, Dóra Székely, Zsófia Pesti, Mónika Máté, Beatrix Szabó-Nótin. EFFECT OF APPLE POMACE POWDER ADDITION ON MILLIT FLOUR BASED BISCUITS QUALITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 150-159 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002154/
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