Marga Grădilă, Daniel Jalobă, Ciontu Valentin-Marius, Cristea Raluca
Pages: 160-171
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 838
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Abstract: Romania is one of the most important European cereal producing countries. Foliar and ear diseases are a permanent risk factor for the quantity and quality of crops. In order to obtain increasing harvests, the control of diseases is implemented since spring by preventive and curative methods, one of the most efficient being the controlled and optimal use of fungicides. Fungicide resistance has been recognized as a factor affecting the control of cereal diseases. In order to reduce the risk of resistance developing in the target pathogens FRAC (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee) recommends the use of fungicide mixtures. In this context, this study presents research on the efficacy in combating wheat and barley diseases of two mixtures of fungicides (Prothioconazole 16% + Spiroxamine 30% and Trifloxystrobin 15% + Prothiconazole 17.5%) applied at different doses and phenophases of plants and phytopathogens. The experimental plots were placed in 2 different locations (Dâlga-Călărași - non-irrigated and Agigea-Constanța - irrigated), in randomized blocks, in 4 repetitions with a plot area of 30 m2. The mixture of Prothioconazole 16% + Spiroxamine 30% EC was applied at a dose of 0.8, 1.0 and 1.25 l/ha and the mixture of Trifloxystrobin 15% + Prothiconazole 17.5% SC was applied at a dose of 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 l/ha. The two treatments were applied between BBCH 30-61 from the end of the twinning phenophase to the beginning of flowering, with an interval of 14 days between treatments. The assessments were made before the application of treatments at 15 and 30 days after application and focused on efficacy in control and selectivity to crop plants. The obtained results demonstrated a good efficacy of the two mixtures of fungicides in controlling cereal crops against the complex of foliar and ear diseases (Fusarium, Septoria, Puccinia, Rhynchosporium, Helminthosporium).
Keywords: cereals, foliar diseases, fungicide mixtures, effectiveness
Cite this article: Marga Grădilă, Daniel Jalobă, Ciontu Valentin-Marius, Cristea Raluca. RESEARCH ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FUNGICIDES MIXTURES IN CONTROL OF CEREAL DISEASES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 160-171 (2021).
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