Hasan Sungur Civelek, M. Rifat Ulusoy, Kubilay Ergün
Pages: 289-294
Published: 18 Sep 2021
Views: 789
Downloads: 49
Abstract: Bemicia tabaci (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is an important pest in tomato greenhouses in Ortaca, Mugla, Western Turkey. This study was carried out during the spring and autumn seasons of 2019 in five different tomato greenhouses, each 1,000 m2 in size. Population densities of adult B. tabaci in insecticide-treated and non-treated used when it is necessary, this will provide successful and integrated management against B. tabaci. Greenhouses were compared by using yellow sticky traps. Ten traps were placed in the non-treated greenhouse and ten traps in the insecticide-treated greenhouse. Yellow sticky traps were changed weekly and the number of flies counted in order to compare the two greenhouses. In addition to monitoring the whitefly population, in each greenhouse 100 plants were checked and the ratio of infested plants, the ratio of infested leaves per plant and the number of larvae per leaf were recorded weekly. The population density of the whitefly was almost the same in both insecticide-treated and non-treated greenhouses. Thus, it was concluded that using yellow sticky traps will be healthier and more cost effective than using pesticides. Furthermore using pesticides is risky for the environment and the use of yellow sticky traps can easily reduce the number of pesticide applications. If yellow sticky traps are used in the greenhouse in a completely isolated environment and the appropriate insecticide is used when it is necessary, this will provide successful and integrated management against B. tabaci.
Keywords: tomato, bemicia tabaci, population density, turkey, yellow sticky traps
Cite this article: Hasan Sungur Civelek, M. Rifat Ulusoy, Kubilay Ergün. POPULATION FLUCTUATIONS OF VEGETABLE WHITEFLIES [BEMICIA TABACI (RISSO) (HEMIPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE)] IN TOMATOES GREENHOUSES IN SOUTHWEST MEDITERRENEAN REGION OF TURKEY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 289-294 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002168/
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