Ivo Machar, Ludek Praus
Pages: 196-202
Published: 20 Sep 2021
Views: 730
Downloads: 64
Abstract: This paper deals with applying of acoustic tomograph as support tool to ecological assessment of veteran trees in urban environment. Very large old trees provide many ecosystem services in urban parks, historical gardens, and green urban areas. But, sometimes, very large old trees can be considered as a threat for safety of people, visiting green areas. This is because of very large trees can be destroyed in the tree trunk without visible signs of wood destruction inside the tree body. So, acoustic tomography can be used as very effective support tool for ecological assessment of stability and health of veteran trees in urban environment. This paper presents basic methodological approaches to acoustic tomography of veteran trees under some examples from environmental practice in the Czech Republic.
Keywords: acoustic tomograph, ecological assessment of living trees, safety of visitors, veteran trees, urban green areas
Cite this article: Ivo Machar, Ludek Praus. ECOLOGY AND SAFETY IN THE PRACTICE: MANAGEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT TREES IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 15, 196-202 (2021).
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