Mateusz Osiecki
Pages: 203-211
Published: 20 Sep 2021
Views: 860
Downloads: 74
Abstract: When someone is asked about the most urgent challenges that our world would face in current century, there is a high chance they would answer climate crisis and environmental downturn. And that would be totally true; ongoing climate change strongly affects access to and quality of natural resources that are constantly shrinking. Although international community treats seriously the problem of environmental degradation, certain problems related thereto might seems insufficiently tackled, including environmental terrorism – a form of terrorist attacks targeting natural resources. As such attacks have already occurred in the recent past and there is a risk they may be even more frequent in the future, necessary it is to answer a question whether international community disposes of accurate legal framework protecting environment from terrorist attempts. The paper, on the basis of analysis of legal documents (on global and European level) and views of the doctrine, discusses the efficiency of that framework and provides relevant critical commentary. In the light of growing threat from terrorists and decreasing amounts of resources essential for living, an academic voice in the field of environmental terrorism is necessary.
Keywords: natural environment, resources, climate change, terrorism, international law
Cite this article: Mateusz Osiecki. FIGHT AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM IN THE LIGHT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 15, 203-211 (2021).
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