Piotr Szymak, Benedykt Hac, Jacek Fabisiak
Pages: 30-39
Published: 23 Sep 2021
Views: 698
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Abstract: World War II has brought a lot of destruction to the world. Unfortunately, we can observe its effects until today. One of the effects is the tons of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) left at the Baltic Sea bottom. The paper undertakes the problem of numerical research on the innovative disposal system for chemical warfare agents. The system is being built within the Polish development project devoted to localization, transferring from the bottom to the water surface, and disposal of submerged CWA. At the beginning of the paper, the introduction with the project description is included. Then, the analysis of functional and constructional assumptions for the CWA disposal system is presented. Next, the mathematical model with the results of numerical research is inserted. In the end, conclusions from the study with the future research schedule are formulated.
Keywords: disposal system, chemical warfare agents, linear production model
Cite this article: Piotr Szymak, Benedykt Hac, Jacek Fabisiak. NUMERICAL MODEL OF DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 15, 30-39 (2021).
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