Chung Won Lee, Won Taek Kwak, Jin Ho Kim
Pages: 188-194
Published: 23 Sep 2021
Views: 531
Downloads: 60
Abstract: In countries where the elderly population is rapidly increasing, including Korea, dementia is emerging as a social problem. Dementia increases the socio-economic costs of the community, as well as the direct suffering of patients and their families. However, there are no ways to effectively treat dementia. For this reason, studies related to dementia in various fields are increasing rapidly in recent years. Dementia-related studies mainly focus on prevention of dementia and delayed onset of dementia, and are seeking solutions focusing on environmental design, exercise, augmented reality, and play programs. However, the most important topic in dementia is memory. Most of the symptoms of dementia such as memory loss, problem solving ability reduction, and emotional change are closely related to memory. Recent studies have reported that light affects memories and even human emotions. Therefore, finding out the relationship between light and memory can be seen as having sufficient potential for dementia prevention, onset delay, and dementia treatment. To this end, this study aims to analyze the effects of LED lighting on long-term memory, focusing on illumination, and to find ways to apply the results.
Keywords: led lighting, memory, dementia, long-term memory
Cite this article: Chung Won Lee, Won Taek Kwak, Jin Ho Kim. RESEARCH ON THE POSSIBILITY OF APPLYING LED LIGHTING TO DEMENTIA TREATMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 15, 188-194 (2021).
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