Luigi Bibbò, Riccardo Carotenuto
Pages: 253-273
Published: 23 Sep 2021
Views: 829
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Abstract: Human activity monitoring technologies are one of the essential systems for elderly care. Advances in electronic systems, sensor technologies, and communication network protocols have enabled a new generation of integrated health systems to be created. The solution presented in this document represents an integrated system prototype that provides an efficient technological tool to caregivers operating promptly and ensures efficient performance throughout the entire healthcare system process. This solution differs from previous works for the coexistence of a series of innovative aspects. Human activity recognition is based on combining different types of information: environmental data, physiological data, inertial data, and indoor location data of patients; CNN network for locating position and activities; Virtual Reality System (VR) for optimizing the neural network and related training.
Keywords: inertial sensors, environment sensors, indoor positioning, human activity, convolutional neural networks, virtual reality
Cite this article: Luigi Bibbò, Riccardo Carotenuto. AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR INDOOR PEOPLE LOCALIZATION, TRACKING, AND MONITORING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 15, 253-273 (2021).
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