Jana Bérešová
Pages: 1-8
Published: 29 Sep 2021
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Abstract: Although British English is a target language that is mostly taught and learnt in Europe, American English is naturally acquired by those who watch movies and use modern technologies for improving their English. Since learners and users of English are commonly exposed to spoken American English, the goal of the study is to classify the main features of it in order to help non-native speakers become aware of the salient features of American English in spoken mode. The study is based on the excerpts taken from contemporary literary prose written in American English and the focus is put on spoken American English. This research will allow of searching for specific features that might be discovered in characters’ speeches; however, it will not support seeking segmental and supra-segmental features, salient characteristics related to phonology. The written form of characters’ speeches has a significant impact on recognising the main features of spoken mode as it is possible to thoroughly analyse particular items checking them against some criteria. The excerpts taken from more than 100 pages are expected to provide enough material for drawing a number of conclusions that will enable users of English to become familiar with spoken American English from a variety of perspectives.
Keywords: spoken american english, salient features, authentic materials, speeches of characters
Cite this article: Jana Bérešová. SALIENT FEATURES OF SPOKEN AMERICAN ENGLISH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 15, 1-8 (2021).
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