Natalia Dankova
Pages: 88-102
Published: 29 Sep 2021
Views: 916
Downloads: 82
Abstract: This paper presents some results of a study analyzing definitions of different meanings of the word ‘love’ in modern unilingual dictionaries (French, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, English, German, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, etc.). Generally, we do not consult a dictionary to look for the definition of the word ‘love’. However, definitions of ‘love’ contain many surprises. The word ‘love’ designates various realities, which makes its definition difficult to formulate in order to satisfy everyone. The articulation of the spiritual, sentimental and physical manifestations of love seems to be particularly problematic. Lexicographical approach is subject to ideological, moralistic and religious influences of the time. Polysemy of the word, multiple manifestations of love, its emotional and ideological charge cause hesitation in defining ‘love’. This paper presents findings dealing with organizing definitions, choosing examples, and peculiarities recorded by dictionaries of different languages regarding the meanings of ‘love’ between two human beings.
Keywords: dictionaries and ideology, definitions of ‘love’, ‘love’ across cultures, languages and cultural conceptualizations of emotions
Cite this article: Natalia Dankova. DEFINITIONS OF LOVE IN UNILINGUAL DICTIONARIES. LOVE ACROSS CULTURES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 15, 88-102 (2021).
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