Florentine Paudel, Barbara Hager
Pages: 25-34
Published: 4 Oct 2021
Views: 784
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Abstract: While there are numerous studies on phonological awareness, which are carried out particularly among pupils who are learning to read and write, there have been hardly any debates on the ethical aspects of these research designs. This is problematic because these studies influence children’s reading and writing development in this context. Therefore, this contribution to researching phonological awareness focuses on related ethical aspects, to enable further debate and demonstrate possibilities for further research in this field. Using the example of researching Deaf pupils, research ethical aspects in connection with vulnerable groups are discussed.
Keywords: research ethics, the process of learning to read and write, phonological awareness, conflict of research interest
Cite this article: Florentine Paudel, Barbara Hager. ETHICAL REFLECTIONS ON RESEARCHING PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS USING THE EXAMPLE OF DEAF PUPILS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 25-34 (2021).
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