Njoud Alsubaiheen, Kazuhiko Sato, Kento Suzuki
Pages: 169-178
Published: 4 Oct 2021
Views: 706
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Abstract: This proposed research aims to create an e-Learning prototype as a game that teaches topics on cyber security in a Gamification format by creating a role-playing game. By using a survey with a quantitative method and multiple-choice questions, numerical results are expected in regards to what Saudi middle school students prefer when it comes to learning Cyber Security terms, the proposed prototype or their school text book as an evaluation method another objective is to see what their current background in Cyber Security terms Secondarily and most importantly, this research aims for to have a positive impact on middle school students regarding learning cyber security terms, what they do and how to approach them in a working environment or on a daily basis.
Keywords: gamification, role-play, cyber security, phishing, baiting, vishing, social engineering
Cite this article: Njoud Alsubaiheen, Kazuhiko Sato, Kento Suzuki. A PROPOSAL OF ROLE-PLAYING GAMIFICATION BASED E-LEARNING TO LEARN CYBER SECURITY FOR SAUDI STUDENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 169-178 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002300/
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