Galya Т. Yankova, Pavlinka P. Dobrilova
Pages: 403-410
Published: 4 Oct 2021
Views: 646
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Abstract: Interaction in an electronic environment gives students and teachers greater freedom of choice and independence from the “time” factor, as well as makes them interact and collaborate. The article explores the role of video algorithms in the teaching of bandaging techniques and their importance in improving the quality of education. Analyzed is the opinion of 107 students from professional direction “Health care” in the branch “Prof.. Dr. Iv. Mitev”, Vratsa at the Medical University - Sofia. The results show that the use of video algorithms in the teaching of bandaging techniques can be a useful tool for the formation of technical and practical skills in students.
Keywords: video algorithms, university education, learning process, bandaging techniques
Cite this article: Galya Т. Yankova, Pavlinka P. Dobrilova. ROLE AND PLACE OF VIDEO ALGORITHMS IN THE TEACHING OF BANDAGING TECHNIQUES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 403-410 (2021).
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