Winnie S. W. Wang, Lindsey N. H. Chen
Pages: 209-216
Published: 7 Dec 2021
Views: 604
Downloads: 60
Abstract: This study investigates the forms of address of two Formosan aboriginal groups: Amis and Bunun. By conducting questionnaires and interviews with native informants, the study examines aboriginals’ choice of personal address in different contexts. The study’s results indicate that age, gender, and tribal status are influential factors in both groups’ choices of address forms. Notably, kinship terms are used to show deference and respect to other aboriginals, both within and beyond the tribe. The particular choices of address forms in the two groups also reveal the linguistic impact of foreign influences. The study also notes the ways in which they are similar to the addressing modes of other languages, such as Russian and Yoruba.
Keywords: form of address, formosan aborigines, politeness, kinship terms
Cite this article: Winnie S. W. Wang, Lindsey N. H. Chen. ENCODING RESPECT AND DEFERENCE: ADDRESS FORMS AMONG FORMOSAN ABORIGINES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 15, 209-216 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002328/
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