Tatiana Chaplina
Pages: 93-102
Published: 25 Sep 2022
Views: 477
Downloads: 79
Abstract: This paper classifies possible sources of oil and oil products spills, possible risks of oil spills during its production on land and offshore, as well as during storage and transportation of oil and oil products due to accidents. An overview of existing techniques and sorbents for the elimination of hydrocarbons from the water surface is given, their characteristics and the principle of operation of devices that are currently used for elimination of oil spills are studied. An original method for liquidating hydrocarbon spills using a natural sorbent - natural sheep wool - has been proposed. The carried out fluorescent diagnostics of the process of water purification from oil contamination with a sorbent based on sheep wool showed that wool absorbs up to 61% of oil, depending on its initial concentration and the amount of sorbent.
Keywords: oil spills, modeling, response, sorbents
Cite this article: Tatiana Chaplina. OIL SPILLS IN THE OCEANS: MEANING, CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES, CONTROL MEASURES AND METHODS OF ELIMINATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 16, 93-102 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002337/
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