Andreas Jonen
Pages: 48-60
Published: 8 Oct 2022
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Abstract: For some time, it is discussed which effects digitalisation has for the primary business function procurement and the secondary function controlling providing information and support tasks. It can be stated that the integration of digitalisation in these areas is continuously increasing. In the combined discipline of procurement controlling the first steps towards a more intensified digitalisation can be observed. Main drivers are (1) the digitalised products, (2) the available and needed information from and of the suppliers as well as (3) the methods to process these mass data with the help of artificial intelligence. This article targets on evaluating the status quo of digitalisation on professional roles in procurement controlling jobs and the steps that can be expected in the near-future. Therefore, several hypotheses are derived. They are evaluated with the help of job advertisements analyses. The comparative analysis is based on several examinations done in the past (15 studies between 1978 and 2018) for the general controlling function and two recently conducted studies (2019 and 2021) by the author .
Keywords: digitalisation, procurement controlling, job advertisement analysis, strategy orientation, risk profile changes, rise of it relevance
Cite this article: Andreas Jonen. DIGITALISATION AND PROCUREMENT CONTROLLING – ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS BASED ON A TIME-SERIES JOB ADVERTISEMENT INVESTIGATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 48-60 (2022).
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