Arpad Papp-Vary, Zoltan Szabo, Diana Pacsi, Attila Kovacs
Pages: 70-79
Published: 8 Oct 2022
Views: 507
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Abstract: Although interest in innovation has declined in recent years, its importance remains crucial. Innovation has really become a part of our lives today; we meet more and more developments every day. As innovation shapes our future, it is important to map how the next generation enters the labor market. In the present study, we examine this, i.e., the relationship between Z-generation and innovation. In the study, we used the methodology of focus group analysis to answer which marketing channels are most accessible to young people in their 20s, what content they typically consume, and how to motivate them to innovate.
Keywords: innovation, marketing innovation, social media, communication, z-generation
Cite this article: Arpad Papp-Vary, Zoltan Szabo, Diana Pacsi, Attila Kovacs. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND INNOVATION AMONG THE GENERATION-Z. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 70-79 (2022).
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