Robert Mesrob K. DerMesrobian
Pages: 399-406
Published: 8 Oct 2022
Views: 393
Downloads: 33
Abstract: Financial literacy has become one of the most discussed topics in the field of behavioral finance as it has strong influences on people's financial behaviors. Yet, the years long data shows that its rates are globally low. What's even worse, is the fact that financial literacy education isn't widespread all around the world specifically at schools. Lebanon is such a country in which financial education as a topic isn't included in the official curriculum. In this research, I provide trainings to a set of schools with the majority of students coming from minority segments. The research is conducted in Lebanon's central area, the Greater Beirut. I find that the students understanding of financial concepts is low and that cognitive abilities play a major role along with financial knowledge in shaping a good financial literacy.
Keywords: financial literacy, financial knowledge, cognitive abilities, high school students
Cite this article: Robert Mesrob K. DerMesrobian. A MODEL FOR FINANCIAL LITERACY EDUCATION IN LEBANON. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 399-406 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002447/
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