Maia Seturi
Pages: 452-458
Published: 8 Oct 2022
Views: 364
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Abstract: Companies today focus on existing and new customers. Thus, business makes calculations over the long run rather than the short run. Relationship marketing influences customer loyalty. Organizations are pooling their efforts to achieve this goal in terms of products, pricing, distribution, incentives and services. Relationship marketing is based on the idea that important customers for a company need constant and special attention. The task of finding and retaining a client becomes increasingly individual. In the face of competition, it is important to know and constantly study your client; Not only to discover its advantages, to guess the hidden desires, but also to understand the reasons why some clients go to competitors. Research on these issues is important at the modern stage. The author discusses the different views of researchers-scientists regarding the mentioned problem, and also makes conclusions. The article contains several recommendations of the author.
Keywords: sales, personal selling, relationship marketing, salesperson, sales management
Cite this article: Maia Seturi. SOME VIEWS ABOUT SALES AND RELATIONSHIP MARKETING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 452-458 (2022).
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