Martina Pšenková, Róbert Toman, Šimon Mikláš, Simona Almášiová
Pages: 41-50
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 487
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Abstract: This work provides new data on the levels of some essential elements and toxic elements, important for their nutritional and/or toxicological properties, in some Slovak dairy products to evaluate the contribution of this food group to the quality of the Slovak diet. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of essential elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn, Mo) and toxic elements (Al, Ag, Li, Sb, Sr, Ba) in milk and dairy products available on the markets of Slovakia from two producers. From the essential elements the highest concentrations were recorded for Ca and K in the category of cheeses and milk. Significantly high level of Na was found in the cheese category. Of the toxic elements, in the case of Al, the highest permissible limit set by Slovak legislation was found to be exceeded in almost all dairy products. Numerous correlations between concentrations of elements in milk and dairy products were observed.
Keywords: chemical elements, milk, dairy products, markets
Cite this article: Martina Pšenková, Róbert Toman, Šimon Mikláš, Simona Almášiová. OCCURRENCE OF SELECTED CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS FROM RETAIL CHAINS IN SLOVAKIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 41-50 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002460/
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