Nela Dragomir, Marius Laurian Maftei, Teodor Garviș, Nicoleta Defta, Daniela Ianițchi, Gratziela Victoria Bahaciu
Pages: 51-61
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 499
Downloads: 79
Abstract: The incidence of metabolic diseases among the active population has an upward trend, which requires the diversification of the assortment range of gluten free products. The developed an innovative technology for obtaining gluten-free products with organic pumpkin pulp meets the required of a consumers segment, with gluten intolerance. Pumpkin is an ingredient used in Romanian gastronomy, and not only, in certain periods of the year, respectively in the winter season, and for this reason we recommendation integration in products with added value and functional role. Pumpkin is a vegetable rich in β-carotene, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, etc., with special sensory properties agreed by the Romanian consumers, with a low caloric content. We also aim to present the different technology and formula that are currently used to obtain foods product with pumpkin and the importance for health and diet.
Keywords: bakery products, gluten-free products, pumpkin
Cite this article: Nela Dragomir, Marius Laurian Maftei, Teodor Garviș, Nicoleta Defta, Daniela Ianițchi, Gratziela Victoria Bahaciu. PUMPKIN USED IN OBTAINING GLUTEN FREE BAKERY PRODUCTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 51-61 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002461/
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