Blanka Zábrodská, Eva Vepřková, Adéla Faltusová
Pages: 81-96
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 422
Downloads: 58
Abstract: Production of alternative types of meat such as domestic yak meat, offers not only economic opportunities but also nutritional benefits and still represents a gap in the market due to supply and demand constraints. The aim of this study is to compare the tenderness and juiciness of domestic yak meat with meat of crossbreed domestic yak with domestic cattle and meat of domestic cattle itself during maturation. Samples of ribeye from domestic yak, domestic yak hybrid and domestic cattle were taken. Individual meat samples were vacuumed and matured at 4 °C. During maturation, the pH (Testo602- pH2-CONRAD probe), weight loss, tenderness and juiciness of grilled meat samples were evaluated once a week using a TA.XT texturometer plus Stable Micor Systems TM (Warner-Bratzler knife, 50 mm compression probe). Sensory analyzes of meat samples were also performed once a week, focusing on their color, fatness, aroma, consistency, juiciness and taste. Domestic yak is a neglected cattle with considerable and as yet untapped potential, especially for meat production, which represents a unique, nutritionally valuable opportunity to diversify the diet.
Keywords: domestic yak, domestic cattle, ribeye, texturometer, tenderness, juiciness, senzoric analysis
Cite this article: Blanka Zábrodská, Eva Vepřková, Adéla Faltusová. EVALUATION OF TENDERNESS AND JUICINESS OF DOMESTIC YAK MEAT AND ITS HYBRID IN COMPARISON WITH DOMESTIC CATTLE MEAT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 81-96 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002464/
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