Ionel Perju, Iuliana Elena Golache, Iulia Mineață, Ionuț Vasile Ungureanu, Elena Iurea, Margareta Corneanu, Gelu Corneanu
Pages: 97-103
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 415
Downloads: 64
Abstract: The aim of this paper was to evaluated of some autochthonous walnut genotypes in the Romanian North Eastern area conditions. Studies were done in 2016-2018, having as research material that four walnut genotypes (‘Miroslava’, ‘Anica’, ‘Velnița’ and ‘Ovidiu’) which were in the VIIIth year after planting grafted on Juglans regia L. as rootstock. The climate conditions, bloom for both male and female flowers period, late frost resistance, the tree vigor through trunk cross-section area (cm2), tree height (cm) and number of the young shoots were analyzed. Regarding the dichogamy, conducted research showed that ‘Miroslava’ and ‘Velnița’ are protogynous genotypes. The beginning of flowering in female flowers was depending on the climatic conditions in the study period 2-3 days before the male flowers. ‘Anica’ and ‘Ovidiu’ are protandrous genotypes, the male flowers starting to bloom on average three days before the female flowers. The weakest vigor of the tree showed ‘Ovidiu’ (30.2 cm2 TSA) and ‘Miroslava’ (42.6 cm2 TSA), but as the length of the young shoots, the highest values were registered at ‘Velnița’ (96.2 cm) genotypes.
Keywords: bloom, shoots, genotype, vigor, walnut
Cite this article: Ionel Perju, Iuliana Elena Golache, Iulia Mineață, Ionuț Vasile Ungureanu, Elena Iurea, Margareta Corneanu, Gelu Corneanu. EVALUATION OF FLOWERING TIME AND SOME REPRODUCTIVE TRAITS OF ROMANIAN WALNUT GENOTYPES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 97-103 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002465/
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