A. Oancea, E. Mihai, T.C. Ciucan, V. Coroiu, V. S. Manoiu, E. Utoiu, A. M. Ghenea, M. Pirvu, O. Craciunescu
Pages: 143-152
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 426
Downloads: 70
Abstract: The aim of this work was to develop a functional food used as an adjuvant for hypocaloric diet, based on a combination of polyphenols and polysaccharides extracted from berries pomace and chia seeds, presenting emergent properties. These bioactive compounds were encapsulated into liposomes before being added in the composition of a new protein bar. The antioxidant activity of polyphenols- polysaccharides combinations in different ratios was determined by TEAC and DPPH assays. It was observed that the mixture of polyphenols extracted from berries and polysaccharides extracted from chia seeds in a weight ratio of 5:1 had the highest antioxidant activity. A study of α-amylase inhibition in the presence of polyphenols, polysaccharides and their combinations was also performed to investigate the synergism of these compounds. A liposomal formulation of the selected synergistic combination was obtained in powder form by lyophilization. A final product including the synergistic combination was prepared in the form of a hypoglycemic food bar with amplified antioxidant effects. The product is further recommended for potential application as an adjuvant for a low-calorie diet.
Keywords: functional food, polyphenols, polysaccharides, forest fruits pomace, chia seeds, antioxidant activity, protein bar
Cite this article: A. Oancea, E. Mihai, T.C. Ciucan, V. Coroiu, V. S. Manoiu, E. Utoiu, A. M. Ghenea, M. Pirvu, O. Craciunescu. FUNCTIONAL FOOD BASED ON A COMBINATION OF POLYPHENOLS AND POLYSACCHARIDES WITH EMERGENT PROPERTIES FOR HYPOCALORIC DIET. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 143-152 (2022).
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