Vladimir Sabadoš, Danijela Žunić
Pages: 342-351
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 256
Downloads: 19
Abstract: Extremely high temperatures have been adversely affecting most vegetable crops for years, primarily disrupting physiological processes, reducing yields and product quality, increasing the possibility of pests and diseases. In order to reduce the negative impact of extremely high temperatures, Agriculture Extension Service “Sombor” set up an experiment with the use of shading nets with different colors and varieties of consumer tomatoes Rio Grande and Kruna during the two years 2020 and 2021. In addition to the control variant, variants with other colors: green, blue, black and gray. The results of the experiment show that the application of shading nets affects the lushness, early maturity, yield quality, reduction of diseases, pests, protection from hail and increase yields. The experiment was set up in a drip system using black mulch foil. In this way of production, the advantages of shading nets are simple and mobile construction, as well as the possibility of use for many years. The disadvantages of shading nets are the significant investment in production during the first year. The application of this technology is recommended for the production of tomatoes on smaller areas because it contributes to stable and better production.
Keywords: high temperatures, tomato, vegetable production, yield
Cite this article: Vladimir Sabadoš, Danijela Žunić. THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT COLOUR NETWORKS ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF TOMATO. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 342-351 (2022).
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