Ekrem Ögür, Aysun Yener Ögür
Pages: 418-426
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 382
Downloads: 55
Abstract: Within the scope of the green deal, it has been determined that there is an urgent need to reduce the dependence on pesticides in line with the sustainable agriculture goal. However, chemical control is still one of the most preferred methods because it is easier than other control methods and results can be obtained in a short time with less labor. The total amount of pesticide uses in Turkey in 2020 increased by 4.63% compared to 2019 and reached 53,672 tons. Fungicides 38.38%, herbicides 24.69%, insecticides 23.00%, acaricides 4.10%, rodenticides, and molluscicides 0.52%, and others 9.31% constituted of total pesticide use. The provinces with the highest pesticide use in Turkey are Antalya, Manisa, and Adana, where agriculture is also intensive. In the study, the current situation of pesticide uses in Turkey, the issues to be considered for reducing pesticide use, the importance of agricultural extension in reducing pesticide use in line with the green deal targets were analyzed. In addition, the reduction of pesticide use, which is included in the green deal targets, has been evaluated in terms of the EU and Turkey. The research was conducted using secondary data. Agricultural extension is one of the most effective ways to reduce pesticide use by farmers. Agricultural extension accelerates knowledge transfer, helps farmers become better managers, and acts as a bridge to bring knowledge from global research to farmers. Individual, group, and mass extension methods should be used to reduce pesticide use. Especially in Turkey, socio-economic characteristics of farmers and pesticide use vary according to regions. Agricultural extension activities should be carried out with this in mind.
Keywords: agricultural extension, green deal, pesticide, turkey
Cite this article: Ekrem Ögür, Aysun Yener Ögür. THE IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION IN REDUCING PESTICIDE USE IN LINE WITH THE GREEN DEAL TARGETS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 418-426 (2022).
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