Aysun Yener Ögür, Gürhan Özaydin
Pages: 427-436
Published: 4 Nov 2022
Views: 442
Downloads: 39
Abstract: While 3.54 billion people lived in the world in 1950, this number reached 7.78 billion in 2020. The increase in human activities due to the rapidly increasing world population increases the share of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and causes climate change by causing global warming. Today, climate change is increasing its impact and sectors are negatively affected. Agriculture is a sector that both affects and is affected by climate change. Due to climate change, soil and water resources are damaged, agricultural production decreases and food security is endangered. Farmers' willingness and ability to adapt to climate change depend on their knowledge of climate change. This information is closely related to the information sources used by the farmers. In the study, the perception of climate change of farmers producing corn will be determined and the information sources used will be examined. 27% of the maize produced in the world is used in human nutrition and 73% is used as animal feed. Therefore, the perception of climate change and the information sources used are very important in maize producers. In the study, the sample size was determined as 77 with a 95% confidence interval and a 5% margin of error, according to the stratified sampling method, which is one of the simple random sampling methods. The questions about the climate change of the maize producers were analyzed with the Likert type scaling method. Agricultural enterprises perceive climate change as drought (4.78), global warming (4.65) and seasonal change (4.61). Looking at the information sources used, neighboring farmers, family members (4.61), television (3.79) and internet (3.78) were identified. Leading farmers in the research area should be informed about climate change. In addition, information that will raise awareness about climate change should be included on television and the internet.
Keywords: maize production, climate change, information source
Cite this article: Aysun Yener Ögür, Gürhan Özaydin. CLIMATE CHANGE PERCEPTION AND THE INFORMATION SOURCES USED BY MAIZE PRODUCTION FARMERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 10, 427-436 (2022).
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