Petra Skalková, Iveta Papučová, Ivan Labaj, Jana Pagáčová, Darina Ondrušová, Katarína Znášiková, Jana Dobrovská
Pages: 24-34
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 468
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Abstract: Natural polymers are one of the alternative options and are gaining more and more prominence in various fields of application. The main advantage of natural polymers is their biodegradability and the ability to obtain them from available natural sources. Research into new possibilities for the use of natural polymers in elastomeric composites is still ongoing in the rubber industry. One of the biopolymers often used as a filler in elastomeric composites is cellulose [1- 4]. This work is focused on preparing elastomeric composites filled with cellulose, which was modified chemically with SiO2 (CELsil) and physically with plasma (CELplasma). Impact of physically modified cellulose as a filler was studied on thermal properties of elastomer composites. Natural rubber (NR) composites with different amount (30; 35; 40; 45; 50 and 55 phr) of cellulose (CEL) were prepared. On prepared composites thermal properties were studied. Physical-chemical properties were evaluated, too.
Keywords: cellulose, thermal properties, elastomer composites, plasma, silanization, structural properties
Cite this article: Petra Skalková, Iveta Papučová, Ivan Labaj, Jana Pagáčová, Darina Ondrušová, Katarína Znášiková, Jana Dobrovská. PREPARATION OF ELASTOMERIC COMPOSITES FILLED WITH MODIFIED CELLULOSE AND STUDY THEIR PROPERTIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 24-34 (2022).
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