Mikhail Levchenko, Elena Stoykova, Violeta Madjarova
Pages: 189-197
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 451
Downloads: 67
Abstract: Dynamic speckle imaging is effective approach for visualization of areas of faster or slower micro- changes on a 3D object surface by analysis of speckle patterns formed on this surface under laser illumination. A 2D distribution of a statistical parameter related to the measured speed of changes is built as a map of activity. The map entries strongly fluctuate from point to point even when the speed is constant in the observed area. The relevant information is buried in a signal-dependent noise, which depends on (1) activity, and (2) ratio between the time of acquisition of the speckle patterns in the sequence and the temporal correlation radius of the process. The time of acquisition gives the temporal resolution of the method. In order to improve this resolution, we studied acquisition at time interval between the patterns that is much shorter than the temporal correlation radius of intensity fluctuations caused by the underlying processes in the tested object.
Keywords: dynamic speckle, temporal resolution, simulation, optimization
Cite this article: Mikhail Levchenko, Elena Stoykova, Violeta Madjarova. TEMPORAL RESOLUTION IMPROVEMENT IN DYNAMIC SPECKLE ANALYSIS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 189-197 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002521/
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