Alexander Gisbrecht , Sergey Mamilov
Pages: 206-212
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 445
Downloads: 36
Abstract: The results of investigation of laser-induced photodissociation of oxyhemoglobin in cutaneous blood vessels and its role in biomedical processes are presented. We propose a new method for determination an individual response to the effect of laser radiation. It is shown that in order to make the phototherapy methods really efficient one has to control the oxygen concentration in tissue keeping it at the necessary level. Novel method of optical "dosimetry" based on using the changes oxygen concentration in tissue as feedback signal for optimization therapeutic effect of low intensity laser radiation is developed.
Keywords: hemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin, tissue oxygenation, phototherapy, photodissociation
Cite this article: Alexander Gisbrecht , Sergey Mamilov. BIOMEDICAL APPLICATION OF LASER-INDUCED TISSUE OXYGENATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 206-212 (2022).
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