Jozef Meteňko, Miriam Meteňková
Pages: 334-350
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 521
Downloads: 44
Abstract: Finding connections between materials and methods for criminalistic is a very important, but difficult to solve problem both in criminalistic itself and outside of it. While the field of methods in criminalistic is partially covered theoretically - relatively well, for example, in several textbooks and monographs devoted to the methodology of criminalistic, there is no systematic work on the materials. This is also the main reason why the authors tried to address at least the issue of methods in this "starting work". At the beginning, we will try to explain what criminalistic is and what its functions are, so that we can characterize its structure and what place criminalistics methods occupy in it. According to the results of our long-term research, we will outline a system of criminalistics methods significantly different from the classic criminalistics methodology. It was based on the preference for investigation, as a legal processual procedure that limited the entire criminalistic. The change of opinions about the object, the subject and the system of methods of criminalistic has its consequences in the openness of criminalistic, as well as in its own methodological development. At the same time, it will enable better use of knowledge about the variety of materials that can be used in criminalistics investigation in the future.
Keywords: criminalistic, system of criminalistic, criminalistics methods, structure of criminalistics methods
Cite this article: Jozef Meteňko, Miriam Meteňková. MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR CRIMINALISTICS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 334-350 (2022).
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