Dalm K., Frank F.
Pages: 36-45
Published: 20 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EA1996112888
Views: 267
Downloads: 35
Abstract: This paper addresses acceptance and usability of human-robot-collaboration (HRC) for individuals conducted in two experiments. In the first experiment, the control group was composed of people without disabilities and the test group was formed out of people with disabilities employed in sheltered workshops. In the second experiment, the control group was composed of people with a technical background, e.g., engineers, and the test group was formed out of people without a technical background, e.g., social workers. Both experiments compare HRC approaches between the control group and the test group, and the recording was performed using the scientific models UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology), USUS (Usability, Social acceptance, User experience and Societal impact) and SUS (System Usability Scale). The evaluation of the experiments brought several interesting findings to light. One of the first experiment, e.g., is the test group’s higher level of technology acceptance after conducting the experiment than before. An example of the second experiment is the raise in expected performance of the test group after the modification task was done, what reflects a higher degree of which the test persons believe that using the system will help them to attain gains in job performance. Both experiments are listed and discussed. As a conclusion, it can be summarized that Cobots can be applied in sheltered workshops and modern control systems can be implemented and controlled by the supervisors. The new way of working collaboratively is generally welcomed.
Keywords: collaborative robot, cobot, disabilities, technology acceptance, utaut, usability, usus, sus
Cite this article: Dalm K., Frank F.. USER EXPERIENCE AND ACCEPTANCE REGARDINGS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES COLLABORATING WITH ROBOTS IN INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 21, 36-45 (2023).
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