Jozef Meteňko, Miriam Meteňková
Pages: 376-389
Published: 20 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EA1996172618
Views: 322
Downloads: 27
Abstract: The authors briefly analyze the concepts of education in criminalistic and forensic sciences at the university education system in Slovakia with a focus on the state and development. They point to the need for scientific, university-based use of modern knowledge and its content as a new way of classical criminalistic and forensic educational processes. Only visions of a broader application in criminalistic and forensic practice and research should decide on criminalistics education. The basis for this analysis is the only research and pre-research probe in Slovakia in this area. Detailed processing of knowledge was carried out within the research in the project "Methods and procedures for work at the crime scene", including three main pillars for the future of university education in criminalistic and forensic sciences in Slovakia.
Keywords: university education, criminalistic and forensic education, research, perspective
Cite this article: Jozef Meteňko, Miriam Meteňková. CRITICAL ANALYSIS CRIMINALISTICS AND FORENSIC SCIENCE EDUCATION - AT UNIVERSITIES IN SLOVAKIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 21, 376-389 (2023).
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