Dmitri Nikitin, Eneliis Kattel-Salusoo, Sergei Preis, Niina Dulova
Pages: 58-66
Published: 1 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/ES1996224384
Views: 393
Downloads: 32
Abstract: The oxidation of antibiotic vancomycin (VAN), antidiabetic metformin (MET), and anti-inflammatory dexamethasone (DEX) was studied using a combined pulsed corona discharge (PCD) and persulfate (PS) system. The effect of the dose of persulfate on the degradation rate, the degree of mineralization, and the energy efficiency of the target pharmaceuticals oxidation was evaluated. Irrespective of the target compound studied, the addition of moderate persulfate doses resulted in a noticeable improvement in oxidation efficiency compared to non-assisted PCD process. For all pharmaceuticals examined, with minor exception for DEX showing negligible improvement, an increase of the dose of persulfate in the PCD/PS combination resulted in a substantial increase in the observed degradation rate. The findings of this study strongly suggest that the combined PCD/PS oxidation is a promising treatment technology for water purification from aqueous pharmaceutical contamination.
Keywords: advanced oxidation process, peroxydisulfate, pulsed corona discharge, water treatment
Cite this article: Dmitri Nikitin, Eneliis Kattel-Salusoo, Sergei Preis, Niina Dulova. OXIDATION OF AQUEOUS PHARMACEUTICALS WITH PERSULFATE ACTIVATED BY NON-THERMAL PLASMA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 17, 58-66 (2023). https://doi.org/10.62991/ES1996224384
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