Elmira Faizulina, Larissa Tatarkina, Gulzhan Spankulova, Svetlana Aitkeldiyeva, Gul Baimakhanova, Irina Smirnova
Pages: 93-99
Published: 1 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/ES1996230357
Views: 346
Downloads: 28
Abstract: Soil pollution with petroleum hydrocarbons has become a global problem and was a consequence of the intensification of human industrial activity. Remediation of contaminated sites using a microbiological process (bioremediation) has proven to be effective and reliable due to its environmental performance. For bioremediation of oil-contaminated ecosystems, both individual strains of microorganisms and their associations are used. It was noted that the use of consortia of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms leads to a more complete destruction of hydrocarbons. One of the main factors for the oxidation of oil hydrocarbons is the temperature regime. In this study, the selection of consortia of oil-oxidizing microorganisms capable of effectively degrading oil in a wide range of positive temperatures was carried out. Experiments were carried out on a mineral medium with oil at 10°C, 30°C and 50°C. It is shown that the most active transformation of oil occurred at 30°C. 3 consortia were selected that utilized oil from the Zhanatalap and Dossor fields at all temperatures under study. The use of such consortia will contribute to the effective cleanup of contaminated areas throughout the growing season. This is very important in an arid climate, which is characterized by sharp seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations.
Keywords: oil pollution, bioremediation, consortia of oil-oxidizing microorganisms, oil biodestruction, temperature
Cite this article: Elmira Faizulina, Larissa Tatarkina, Gulzhan Spankulova, Svetlana Aitkeldiyeva, Gul Baimakhanova, Irina Smirnova. ACTIVE CONSORTIA OF MICROORGANISMS FOR OIL DEGRADATION IN A WIDE RANGE OF POSITIVE TEMPERATURES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 17, 93-99 (2023).
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