Erkan Akgöz
Pages: 250-264
Published: 13 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996260222
Views: 363
Downloads: 40
Abstract: The tourism sector covers many different sectors in its existence. It is closely linked to the food and beverage industry, as well as sectors such as health, sociology, and science. It is a well-known fact that food and beverage affect the choice of destination. This situation has led to gastronomy and gastronomy activities in the tourism sector. Gastronomy is not only related to eating and drinking but is also referred to by the way it is served, and the food items served. Gastronomic activities, which are handled in such a wide scope, are very important in terms of destination promotion. Touristic promotion helps destination selection. For this reason, in this study, first of all, explaining gastronomy activities and promoting the destination were investigated. The research was carried out according to the quantitative research method, considering local cuisine products. A questionnaire form was used to obtain the data and it was evaluated with the help of SPSS package program. In the research, frequency, descriptive, difference and regression analyze were made and the results were interpreted by turning them into tables. In line with the comments made, various criticisms and necessary suggestions were presented to the relevant stakeholders.
Keywords: tourism, destination, promotion, gastronomy, gastronomy activities
Cite this article: Erkan Akgöz. A STUDY ON DETERMINING THE EFFECT OF GASTRONOMY ACTIVITIES ON DESTINATION PROMOTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 17, 250-264 (2023). https://doi.org/10.62991/EB1996260222
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